every girl should play dress-up
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
You know when you see another girl with the opposite hair or makeup and you're like, OMG I want to do that!?! Yah, this was one of those times. As a girl with short hair my entire life, I've always dreamed of having long locks and my friend and hair/mua Lindi Mckercher made it happen! We decided to play dress up.
We scouted the internet for some inspiration and styles that we could kind of recreate from the my current wardrobe and we came up with some Kim K outfits that worked.
I have to say, it was TOO much fun having long hair for the 24 hours I did. I think every woman should do it at least once!
Check out Lindi's work - woah dude...barely recognize myself!
**Disclaimer: As with all my images I post, I am not photoshopped! Only some developing in Lightroom, but no skin/body manipulation.
Leopard Dress Lane Bryant
White Top Avenue // similar white top here.
Photography/Editing by Jessica Kane
Hair and MUA by Lindi Merkercher