Sealed With A Kiss // Behind the Scenes Photos

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So I gave you the one behind the scenes pic and finally have had time to go through the camera and wanted to share more fun pics!

I was at Sealed With a Kiss Designs for a photoshoot and video shoot about a new parternship project called "Project Plus." Something I'm extremely proud of and something I can NOT WAIT TO SHAREEEEEE. Secrets kill me, no really....hate it. Like Christmas but worse. LOL

This shoot was a BLAST! The Director of Marketing, Sarah Sapora, lined up the BEST for the shoot including one of the most popular & famed plus photographers Michael Hermogeno!!!! He helped me with my posing and here I am giving him some sass.....guessing that was a no on the pose?? LOLS

Like THIS?????? :D
Video crew!
Wardrobe :)
LOVED the accessories and shoes picked.
With Michael :) He's such a doll and YES, that says PlayBoy :) HAHAHA
The RIDICULOUS gorgeous and talented plus model Kelsey Olson, and former SKORCH Covergirl!
I love the SWAK HQ lobby!!! I could LIVE here :)
NEED the makeup, LOVE the makuep! hahaha
I got the white gel mani and sooooooo love it! Too bad it only lasted like a week :(. When you get white, you an see the cracks in the polish so much easier. BOOOO

Thank you to the entire SWAK team for making me feel so special and making a long and early day so much fun! They even had Diet Coke ready!! Hhhahahah
Sarah, you're a superstar and your vision is like no other, I'm honored to be included and a part of the SWAK family! Can't wait to do the big TAH-DAHHHHHH.


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