Join the #HealthyCurves Movement

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life & Style of Jessica | Home of #HealthyCurves

#HealthyCurves is not a weightloss journey - it's a health journey. While some do need to lose weight, myself included, the mindset I want to promote is a focus on one's health. I want to talk about what food we are really putting in our bodies, nutrition, exercises and challenges for the everyday woman. I want share what I learn and you share with me. Essentially, this is me being really selfish and needing some buddies to join me and keep me motivated as well :)

Share your story and tag #healthycurves on twitter and instagram. Share your story on my facebook wall where the conversation will always be positive and motivating. We are going to succeed and we are going to fail, and that's ok - it's a JOURNEY and it's one day at a time.

Upload your #healthycurves photo to win your choice of swag (bottle/shirt/iphone case). Click "add link" to add your blog link and image!

JOIN THE MOVEMENT - Share healthy inspiration with your friends and family. Let's all help each other.

Grab the code and post on your blog or save image and post on pinterest, facebook or twitter and tag #healthycurves.

Get your #healthycurves swag!



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