day at the beach
Monday, September 12, 2011Thankfully my hubby and I got to take our little man to the beach! Too bad the Oregon Coast water is ohhhhhhhhh ummm around 90000 below ZERO!! No really, holy eff cold. And, our little Kyle was no bueno with freezing water, or the 7 mile hike out to the ocean. Really, people.
First, I wore flip flops, not a good idea at all to walk in sand. I successfully flipped a pound of sand right down the back of myself. Then, the sand was so hot I couldn't walk barefoot, so I made my hubby give me his socks!!! ahhahahah - was so funny. Poor guy.
So we finally get out to the water, and Kyle is so tired from the walk and hot sand, he doesn't want to play and wants to go back home. Thankfully, hubby loves ocean and kyle loves mommy's camera. And, well mommy loves happy boys. :) *cheese*