Join me.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A little while ago I launched the Full Body Photo Project. This project started with my realization that since I had started blogging and forcing myself to post full body photos, crazy enough I started to like my body more. I didn't pick myself to death, rather I said "well, that's not so bad!" Then, all the compliments started pouring in, and guess what? I started to believe what they were saying. Funny how words can be so powerful.
What I do know is...Life is too short to wait to loose the weight to begin living life. Are you that girl that won't buy a gorgeous new dress because you need to lose just 20 more lbs, but 2 years later you're 10 heavier and still wearing clothes that don't make you feel good? Or, are you a confident woman that wants to help other ladies who can relate to you, feel more powerful?
I am asking all of YOU to JOIN the revolution. Let's empower each other.
PLUS! I will be announcing some huge partnerships on October 3rd, that will include prizes for YOU!
So, join my new page so you don't miss a beat. I truly hope you join me and the thousands of women who already have uploaded their Full Body Photo. Did I mention you could appear in SKORCH Magazine?? :)
Upload a picture to the wall of my fanpage, that's IT!
Upload a picture to the wall of my fanpage, that's IT!