where to find the best G cup and above bras

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

I can't believe how hard it is to find gorgeous bras in size G+! As a 42DD, I have trouble, but for my friends and readers larger than an F really, it's hard.

A reader asked me a question about where to find a great strapless for an upcoming event, I hit the web in search of her perfect bra. It was hard to figure out what to type in the search, as I think most people would call it a "plus size bra", but I find that crazy since I know many ladies who are not plus size that wear a large bra. But anyways....I went to my usual spots and also found some new favorites like UK retailer Simply Yours that claims to have the "world's largest strapless bra" or "Ladies Big Size Bras".

If you're in the market for a full figure bra, here are the shops I recommend. I'm sure there are MANY more great online resources, so please share with me your picks:

  • Bare Necessities http://www.barenecessities.com/ - They've been around for a while and I totally trust I will get what I ordered.
  • Simply Yours - http://www.simplyyours.co.uk/ - Home of the famed world's largest strapless and sizes 30-50 from A-JJ/L cups!
  • Big Girl Bras - http://www.biggerbras.com/ - I've never shopped here before, but they have some great options on their website - worth checking out.
  • Lane Bryant - http://www.lanebryant.com/
    I've been a customer of Cacique by Lane Bryant forever really, I preach from the rooftops my love for the Cacique 5way Strapless.
  • Full Beauty - http://www.fullbeauty.com/ It's somewhat new and goes from a 36B to a 50N
And, I want to recommend a fantastic blogger to you who shares in the fuller bust challenges and triumphs! Georgina, a SKORCH Blogger offers her advice at http://skorchmagazine.com/category/fuller-figure-fuller-bust-georgina! Check her out - she's crazy gorgeous and has GREAT articles about this very topic.

I want to know - where do YOU shop for your bras and what size? I understand if you wish not to share your size, but helps in other ladies who might need the advice.

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