a night with the queens
Tuesday, August 23, 2011.
Momma got to play! What better place to dance my ass off and pretend I'm 25 again than my favorite drag queen gay bar, Embers?! Such a great night and fun time to party. I think I lasted 2 songs before I need a pitcher of water, hahahahhahah! I enjoyed the night with one of my besties, Carrie, which included a hilarious drag show from Portland's finest queens, then pictures in the bathroom, then got to see my friend Rachel (heeyyyyyyy!) and ended the night with a photoshoot in the parking lot (classic).
This shot was AFTER sweaty dancing and hair flipping craziness (see video here) and my makeup still looked great! woot!
Thanks sooooo much to Torrid for outfitting me in their finest! Top, handbag and denim gifted by Torrid and I have to say, it's so nice to have your denim stay in place after all that dancing! :)
Thanks to Carrie for taking the shots of me!
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