$15 DKNY Cardi from Costco?!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First, I want to apologize for being gone for so long. I truly have been working my ace off and the last thing I worry about while hacking away at the computer is what I'm wearing. In fact, right now, we shall NOT discuss what I am wearing. But, I have missed blogging and inspiring myself, let alone my amazing readers.  So, I've made a resolution... I MUST get out of the office at least 2 days a week to experience and enjoy life. Truly, 18 hrs behind the computer isn't doing my inspiration any good.

Soooooo, yesterday, I went to the grocery store!!! ahhahaha! This is a big deal because I hate the grocery store and thankfully my husband loves to go! But, we really needed supplies and I had to man up. ugh. But, was a great time to wear my new find.

If you're my friend with me on Facebook, you already know about my exciting $15 DKNY cardi find at Costco the other day! And, to prove that sizing is just a number/letter, this is a size L/XL, and honey we KNOW that's crazy. I'm a 22/24 on top, but thankfully cotton stretches :). I'm absolutely obsessed with stripes and I won't listen to anyone who tells me stripes make you look bigger. It's all about your body type, so no blanket rules here, just work with your body.

Miss ya and see you at my facebook page, I'm there daily.

Thanks to my awesome friend and assistant Katie for taking these pictures!

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